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New Adult Jiu Jitsu Class Schedule

From Next Week, March 10th, we are launching our new Adult Schedule! This new schedule is to give beginners and advanced level students of Jiu Jitsu the very best training possible.

We’re also launching a brand new Jiu Jitsu Intro class which will be available as a Free Trial session!

Read below for more information and to see the new class types and levels.

New Free Trial Class- Jiu Jitsu Intro

This is a new class aimed at total beginners to Jiu Jitsu. If you’re curious about Jiu Jitsu and want to know more about how Kyuzo trains and teaches, this is the session for you. In this class, you’ll learn basic Jiu Jitsu techniques, safety, and self defence moves.

For a free trial, get in touch now [email protected]

Fundamentals- The Building Blocks of Jiu Jitsu

The Fundamentals classes will be for anyone from Beginner upwards who wants to learn the techniques of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. This class is suitable for White belts who want to learn the basics, and for colour belts who want to brush up on their fundamental techniques.

Advanced- Train to Improve

This class is for Blue belt and up, and teaches the Kyuzo Advanced curriculum. This session is designed around the sport of Jiu Jitsu, with the very best battle-tested techniques from the competition mats.

Mixed- Learning and Training Together

The Mixed level classes teach our position of the week, while giving everyone a chance to train and mix together. From white to black belt, these sessions are great for those looking to get some extra time in on the mat.

Deep Dives

These Seminars will take place on the 2nd Friday of each month, with one of our Black or Brown belt coaches taking you through a position in detail. Keep an eye on our whatsapp groups for more details on our first one!

Women Only

These sessions will take place regularly to promote female Jiu Jitsu at Kyuzo. In addition to this, we’ll be taking several initiatives in classes to promote and foster a great training environment for our female members. These will include sparring groups and specific training.

Black and Brown Belt Only Sessions

These sessions will take place once per month for our most experienced members to share technique and get some focused training in!

Time Changes

We’ve also moved some of our training to earlier times to allow you to get in and done earlier each evening. We want to make sure you get to train as often as possible.

Please see below for the new class times, and check out our website from this Friday to book in!


6pm – Fundamental Jiu Jitsu- Gi

7:15pm- Advanced Jiu Jitsu- Gi


6pm Advanced Jiu Jitsu- NoGi

7:15pm- Fundamental Jiu Jitsu- NoGi


12pm- Mixed Jiu Jitsu- NoGi

6pm- BJJ Intro Free Trial Class

6pm- Mixed Jiu Jitsu- Gi


6pm- Advanced Jiu Jitsu- Gi

7.15pm- Fundamental Jiu Jitsu- Gi


12pm- Mixed Jiu Jitsu- Gi

7.15pm- Mixed Jiu Jitsu- NoGi


12.30pm- Mixed Jiu Jitsu (Oct-Mar Gi/April-Sept NoGi)

Deep Dives- 2nd Friday of the month

Women only- Organised monthly

Black and Brown- Organised monthly

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