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New Kids Jiu Jitsu Class Schedule

From next week (Monday march 10th) we’re launching our brand new schedule of Jiu Jitsu classes.

Here are the main changes for parents.

For Kids Classes

The Pee Wee and Junior Classes will move back 30 minutes during weekdays to a 5pm start.

The Pee Wee age group is now split into 2 sessions- Level 1 and 2, to allow us to give more attention to all kids.

The Mighty Mites start time moves back a few minutes on weekdays to facilitate parking and drop offs, and forward a few minutes on Saturdays.

This new schedule launches Monday March 10th! Have a look at the below schedules to find out your times.

Mighty Mites Schedule from Monday March 10th-

Monday 16:40-17:20

Thursday 16:40-17:20

Saturday 9.40-10:20

Pee Wees Schedule from Monday March 10th

Tuesday 17:00-18:00 Pee Wee 1&2

Friday 17:00-18:00 Pee Wee 1&2

Saturday 10:20-11:20 Pee Wee Mixed

Juniors Schedule from Monday March 10th

Monday 17:00-18:00

Thursday 17:00-18:00

Saturday 11.30-12:30

Teens Schedule from Monday March 10th

Monday 17:30-18:30

Thursday 17:30-18:30

Saturday 11:30-12:30

Parking and drop off information

We have limited parking in the area and share the estate with several other businesses. For this reason we ask that parents ensure that they do not block or impede our neighbour’s gates or entrances.

Mighty Mites collection is at the bottom of the stairs after class. Please do not collect your child upstairs as we have a lot of kids moving up and down at changeover time.

Juniors and Teens should be dropped on Ballyboggan Road and make the short walk up the hill. Dropping older kids at the gates creates bottlenecks and delays in our estate, and very often the road is 1 way only. We have recently installed our own new streetlighting to make the area more visible and accessible for walking up.

All kids should wear crocs/sliders/flip flops to the edge of the mat. No runners, socks, shoes etc. This is so they can easily step off the mat when needed and quickly get changed to be collected.

Remember, we're always available to give feedback on your child's progress in martial arts. You can get us on [email protected]

See you on the mat!

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