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Simple Training Tips For BJJ Beginners

We recommend training 3 times per week in the initial phase. Foundations classes are just 1 hour long, and it’s important to try to build a good habit of showing up regularly. It builds up your technique levels obviously, but it also gets your body used to training and recovering.

That being said, if you can only train once or twice per week, do that! But try to be consistent.

Monday- 6.30 Foundations Jiu Jitsu- 1 hour

Wednesday- 6.30 Foundations Jiu Jitsu- 1 hour

Friday- 6.30 Foundations Jiu Jitsu- 1 hour

In between classes, you should ensure that you’re recovering well. Here are some off-mat basics to think about.


The number 1 recovery tool, and the most neglected of them all! 7-8 hours uninterrupted sleep is the minimum you should be aiming for. Sleep is regenerative, and if you’re not in a good sleep habit right now, get in one for a week and you will not believe the difference.

Eat Well

A basic rule of thumb for sports nutrition is high protein, lots of veg, some healthy fats, and balance your carb intake depending on your activity. In other words, on days you’re training, you have more carbs, on less active days, less carbs.

But in truth, most people would just be better off eating reasonably decent meals and dodging sugar as much as possible. If you're coming from a position of eating whatever, whenever, you might benefit from taking small steps regarding diet and nutrition before leaping into a major change. You might find that adjustments are more beneficial than changes.


The answer to “How much water should I drink per day” is “Way more than you think”. Coffee and tea don’t really count, and energy drinks are not a great substitute, but most fluids contribute to your hydration.

However water is the key. You’ll feel and train better when well hydrated. You’ll also burn more bodyfat, recover faster, and be mentally sharper. Don't cram! Consistent sipping over the course of the day is best, and chugging a litre before stepping on the mat is not a good idea!

Rest Doesn’t Mean Sit

On your rest days, walk, go to the gym, move around or do mobility workouts. Sitting is the enemy. When you sit for long periods, you rust! Stay mobile and loose, always.

How much off-mat training you can do, like running or gym work, is dependent on how currently fit you are. very fit and conditioned people will be able to manage lifting or running concurrently with Jiu Jitsu, whereas others might need to focus on getting Jiu Jitsu right first.

When You’ve Completed Foundations

Once you’ve done our Foundations class, you may move on to our mixed level classes, or you can choose to remain with the Foundations Course to brush up more. Ask us and we can advise you on what we think is best for you.

If you do move to Mixed Level, you have way more options to train. You’ll be able to do both Gi and NoGi training, and you’ll have a 7 day a week schedule to pick from. This is great of course, but extra choice can mean too much choice! Make sure to pick your training days and make a schedule.

The Biggest Beginner Mistakes are in Frequency

Too much too soon.

Some people start really intensely and want to train every day. That’s amazing, but it’s difficult to sustain initial short-term enthusiasm. It’s like keeping your foot on the accelerator, you’ll go fast for a short time, but you’ll run out of fuel fast.

It’s better to grow into training more frequently as your body adapts. “Long term consistency beats short term intensity.”

Too Sporadic

It takes about 6 weeks to really make a new habit. So be patient and make sure that you keep punching in to sessions. If you do 2 this week, then break for a week, 1 the next, then 3 the week after, We can almost guarantee we won’t see you long term.

If you start today, commit to doing 6 weeks at a good frequency. There’ll be weeks you won’t be perfect, but that’s okay. The key is to get back on track if you get off track.

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