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Say F*CK IT and start Jiu Jitsu!

It’s been a busy few weeks as we ramp up for the year. We’ve had a great time meeting some new members and introducing them to the martial art of Jiu Jitsu.

We occasionally do a free trial class, and I’ll let you in on a few secrets.

About 30% of people who contact us for a free trial, never show up.

Another 30% of people come for the free trial, but they’re just free trial people. They probably didn’t have much interest in joining up, and just came along for whatever reason- curiosity maybe.

And then about 30% of people show up and are interested in signing up for a class. But even among this bunch, a lot of people don’t sign up. Even when they loved the class, and when they really want to do it in the future, they give themselves an excuse not to.

I don’t want to insult you if this is you, I’m just giving you my experience. Our brains, whatever way they are wired, tend to give us more exits than entries. That’s easy to understand, after all, when choosing a new sport, there’s only 1 entry- sign up and go do it.

There are however, dozens of exits. It’s not the right time, I’m not fit enough right now, I don’t think I’ll be any good at it, I’ll do it once X or Y is finished, I won’t know anyone, I’m a bit self-conscious, everyone else is better at it than me…

And so on and so on.

So your job, once you’ve come and met us, is to say F*CK IT! Let’s do it now!

It’s amazing how many things just sort of move out of the way once you’ve committed to start.

I just thought I’d share that with you today.

See you on the mat,


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