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Podcast- Inclusive Training, Special Needs, Special Populations

We have a new episode of the Kyuzo Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Podcast this week, and it’s with Sean Davitt.

Sean is all the usual- BJJ Black Belt, Judo Black Belt, coach, competitor. None of which is why I asked him on the podcast.

No, I asked him on the podcast because he does something really cool. Sean coaches adaptive Judo classes for kids with special needs.

This was a great conversation, and there’s a wealth of knowledge in it if you’re a coach, parent, or even just someone who wants to broaden your understanding.

By the way, I use the word “shame” at one stage in this chat, and I clarify it later on, but the way it sounds initially isn’t what I intended. My point was that society once viewed having a child with special needs as a burden/shame, not that parents were ashamed. Just thought I’d clear that up as when I listened back the other day I was surprised at how it came out.

Sean’s club, Gorey Grappling Academy, sounds like a great spot. I know he has high level competitors competing in the top tournaments, and he also has this great programme running in the club too. That’s my kind of place. Martial Arts is for everyone.

And one thing we mention is that when a young guy trains with someone with special needs, it improves him. Maybe not in the physical sense, of course, he must develop his skill and physicality another way. But it will teach him something else. If you develop your character and personal qualities, the rest will follow naturally.

So this works for everyone, not just for those it helps directly.

Have a listen. Here’s the Spotify and YouTube links, whichever one you use.


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